Let us help you find your genius.

What is Working Genius?
The 6 types of Working Genius is a new model that helps people discover their natural gifts and thrive in their work and life. When people are able to better understand the types of work that bring them more energy and fulfillment and avoid work that leads to frustration and failure, they can be more self-aware, more productive and more successful.
Image: Patrick Lencioni and Working Genius
Working Genius identifies the six fundamental activities that are required for any type of work and provides a simple framework for how work gets done. Organizations, team leaders, managers, and even college counselors have used Working Genius to better lead groups and individuals to their fullest potential:
Leadership development/coaching
Job alignment/adjustments
Team cohesion and productivity
Creating a common language
Clarity around stages of work
What can Working Genius do for me?
Working Genius is a teamwork model that helps people understand how they can contribute to work most effectively. This tool can help individuals, leaders and teams better leverage one another’s strengths and understand how to be both productive and fulfilled at work.
What makes Working Genius unique?
First, its simplicity. The Working Genius model distills any kind of work down to six fundamental activities. And in relatively short order, it helps people identify the type of work that makes them thrive.
Second, Working Genius is the only tool of its kind that is actually applied to work. Most personality instruments help people better understand how they are wired, but fail to explain how that fits together with others in the process of work. Working Genius solves this problem. Not only do individuals walk away with a greater understanding of the type of work that makes them thrive, but Working Genius provides teams with a better way to think about their dynamics, projects, meetings and even their hiring.
Simply put, Working Genius is part personality assessment and part productivity tool for teams. And it is the simplest and fastest way to discover your gifts and transform your life.
Take the assessment
Elizabeth Deegan has completed the Working Genius Certification Training offered through the Table Group. As a Certified Working Genius Facilitator, she has received hands-on training from the Table Group team and been equipped with the tools and resources to help people leverage the Working Genius model with individuals, teams and organizations.
Working Genius helps students and young adults quickly and simply identify their natural gifts and find joy and fulfillment in their work and life.
Let Elizabeth help you and your child prepare for high school, college and beyond with the Working Genius assessment for students.
Get in touch.
About Working Genius: For twenty-five years, Patrick Lencioni has been working with teams to help them become more cohesive, effective and successful. He has written 13 best-selling business books on the topics of teamwork, leadership and culture. In 2020, he began to question why he occasionally felt drained and frustrated in his own job and, in the process of figuring out why, Working Genius was born. Since that time, Working Genius has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals and teams discover their gifts and transform their work. Some materials on this page are used courtesy of Patrick Lencioni and The Table Group.